Sunday, August 5, 2012

Your People Shall Be My People: How Israel, the Jews and the Christian Church Will Come together in the Last Days

Your People Shall Be My People: How Israel, the Jews and the Christian Church Will Come together in the Last Days

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Your People Shall Be My People: How Israel, the Jews and the Christian Church Will Come together in the Last Days
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"Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God" (Ruth 1:16). Like Ruth in the Old Testament, every Gentile believer has come out of the land of famine and into the spiritual realm of abundance in the name of Jesus. But unlike Ruth, we have turned our backs on the Jewish people, the relatives of the Messiah. We need to confess personally and corporately on behalf of the Church for centuries of persecution of the Jewish people, looking in these days for every opportunity to bless and not curse them. Once again, Israel and her people are center stage at a crucial moment in world history, and this book shows why the Church must effect reconciliation and why our prayers are vital in this hour. If we will make the same covenent pledge to Israel that Ruth made to Naomi, the Church will never be the same!

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