Saturday, December 8, 2012

Olivia from Atheneum Books for Young Readers


Realize That After You Have Tried out Our Latest Olivia, You Will Be Amazed

If you have never used a Olivia before, there's never been an easier period than today to reward yourself. Even when you might have utilized related merchandise before, there's never been one that's as loaded with extra functions as this our newest design. Although you may currently own an item, our newest make is far more advanced than any that Atheneum Books for Young Readers has ever produced before.

We have invested the last several years checking out the results of multiple shopper surveys to discover just what much of our shoppers want in a Olivia. Primarily following our design crew looked at the results of all of this accumulated information would they go to work completely redesigning our merchandise. Instead of simply taking the model we're offering and including a small number of latest features, we researched carefully at what you preferred about it and tossed the rest aside.

Working with that the Atheneum Books for Young Readers design crew began from here and feel that what they have produced might be the very best Olivia we've created. Not just is our product built to the highest possible standards of level of quality, but thanks to the feedback from our customers, we believe that every one of the capabilities we've built into this completely new model will certainly leave you wondering where this design has been all your life. We firmly think that when you test it, you will see why our newest version is selling as fast as we are able to assemble them.

Click here for information Olivia full review & compare prices

Customer Rating : View Customer Ratings

List Price : $17.99

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Have fun with Olivia...

  • dressing up

  • singing songs

  • building sand castles

  • napping (maybe)

  • dancing

  • painting on walls

  • and -- whew! --
going to sleep at last.


  • Classics

Olivia Specifications

Olivia would be Eloise, if Eloise were a pig. She is good at singing 40 very loud songs and is very good at wearing people out. And scaring the living daylights out of her little brother, Ian, particularly when he copies her every move. She is also quite skilled at reproducing Jackson Pollock's "Autumn Rhythm #30" on the walls at home. When her mother tucks her in at night and says, "You know, you really wear me out. But I love you anyway," Olivia precociously pronounces, "I love you anyway too."

The New Yorker artist Ian Falconer's endearing charcoal portraits of his porcine heroine are spotted with fire-engine red gouache in all the right places--perhaps a tribute to Hilary Knight's red, pink, white, and black celebrations of Olivia's human counterpart? When she dresses up, the bow on her ears, her red lipstick, and her high-heeled shoes are all red. (The only time her shades-of-gray body is pink is when she is sunburned and the area where her bathing suit was is white!) Falconer does a fine job of letting the spare text set up the jokes for the visual punch lines--a dryly humorous interplay that adults will appreciate as much as children.

Preschoolers (and their parents) will see themselves in Olivia--a typical high-energy, over-the-top kid who likes the beach and Degas paintings, but hates naps. On the other hand, she combs her ears and is unusually gifted at sandcastle building. While we are certainly reminded of Eloise, Falconer's portrait is simpler in scope, less demented, and, as a result, less adult. Bottom line: precocious is fun, and we're tickled pink to have Olivia join the parade of, let's just say, individualistic youngsters. (Ages 4 to 8) --Karin Snelson

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